Misc Links

Zach Strout · May 15, 2024

While I was waiting for some code to compile, I decided to go though my bookmarks and clean them up. Here are some links that I found interesting:

Balloon Trajectory Calculator

Have you ever wanted to send a balloon to the edge of space and predict where it will come down? That is what this website is all about. Given the weather predictions and some info about your ballon and cargo, it will predict where it will land.

Wayback Machine link to 555 timer calculator

I really liked electronics growing up. I got a kit with a bunch of ICs, jumpers, solderless breadboards, and other components. I found that this website was a great resource for learning about the 555 timer. It had a calculator that would tell you what resistors and capacitors you needed to get a certain frequency or what modes the 555 chip could work in. It seemingly went down, but I found a copy on the wayback machine.

Edit: The page submits data to a server which is down, so you can’t really use it.

Engineering Toolbox

While I don’t recommend using this for real calculations since I have no idea where the data comes from, it is pretty helpful for getting back of the envelope calculations. You can use this for so many different things. For example, the friction coefficient section is pretty interesting.

How to season firewood quickly

This is another wayback machine link since the original died. This was just a random article about how you can build little “Holz Hausen” to dry firewood quickly. I thought it was interesting.


Dynalist is an infinite indenting outliner website. I have used it for a couple of projects. It is pretty helpful for organizing thoughts and ideas, but I honestly have not used it in a while.

Chinese Grammar Wiki

This is a really great resource for learning Chinese grammar. It is pretty comprehensive and has a lot of examples. I have used it a lot in the past.